
Winston Glynn, the accused of murdering a Puerto Rican cashier at a Burger King restaurant in Manhattan in the middle of a robbery, told the East Harlem neighbors to go to hell who attacked against him as he was being led out of a police station in handcuffs.

“That’s good for your ass, you f*cking scum,” one person yelled at the suspect as he was escorted out by police officers. the precinct police station 25 on the street 119.

“Rubbish”, shouted another witness in Spanish.

In response to the anger expressed by residents of the area, Glynn, from Jamaican origin, was sung innocent, and referred to the lack of compensation or indemnity for black slaves.

“Where are our reparations? for the 400 years of f*cking slavery?” replied the accused of first-degree murder and robbery, among other charges. .

“Fuck off, everyone,” continued the arrested person.

He also shouted: “States United will burn”.

You are garbage!, you are garbage!, you are real garbage!, son of the big pu ”, answered another citizen.

The chain of insults ended when officers left on patrol with Glynn against whom charges were filed this Friday.

Glynn, of 30 years old, at the time of his arrest, he was residing in a hotel that serves as a homeless shelter.

Investigators from the New York Police Department (NYPD) maintain that Glynn is the person who entered the : 45 am last Sunday to the fast food establishment on Lexington Avenue and the street 116 and shot Bayron Nieves in the torso after she gave him $116 dollars from the cash register .

The victim, whose body will be transferred for burial in his native Puerto Rico, had requested a shift change, which would take effect this Friday, since he feared for his safety due to the presence of homeless people in the surroundings of the restaurant.

It was just three weeks ago that the girl started working at the restaurant with the intention of saving money to buy a car.

Kristal had moved in with her mother and brother from 14 years to New York from the island two years ago to have a better quality of life.

By Scribe