
Shooting with animals or children is the nightmare of every actor and director because both tend to be unpredictable, although only the former can cause real misfortune if they are not in the mood to work. The actress Neve Campbell, for example, experienced one of the most terrifying moments of her entire career when, at the age of 16, participated in a movie in which his character was chased by a bear in one part of the story.

Actually, it all started off on the wrong foot because the first thing they did was give him a bottle of Coca-Cola to give it to his scene partner to drink and win his affection. However, all it did was cause a highly inadvisable “sugar rush.”

Then they told me to put my hand in a jar of honey and run towards a tree that was higher ahead. In theory, I used to have to stop, turn around and offer my hand to the bear to feed it. I was 17 years old and very dumb, I just wanted to please everyone”, she explained on Kelly’s show Clarkson.

The problem is that the bear did not stop as promised and pounced on her: “He grabbed my leg and started dragging me through the woods . On top of that day my mom was visiting the set, and she started screaming. The whole team froze because no one could believe what was happening“.

At the end , the bear’s trainer managed to release her by throwing stones at her and the interpreter climbed on a rock to be safe. The most surprising thing is that it was she who insisted on repeating the scene that same day because the attack occurred during rehearsals and the cameras had not recorded it.

By Scribe