
The state of Florida drastically increased the number of coronavirus cases in the last seven days by adding 430,297 in the week from 7 to of January, which is equivalent to a new record with more than 61,000 daily infections on average, health authorities reported this Friday.

According to the weekly report of the Department of Health of Florida published today, the most recent week far exceeded the previous one, whose report reported 396,353 cases and a positivity rate of 31.3%.

However, and according to the same source, the rate of infections throughout the state decreased slightly this last week to 22.3%.

Media such as local television 10, from South Florida, attribute the slight decline to Florida may have already reached the peak of the omicron variant’s increase, citing health authorities who “express optimism” about it.

The Florida Hospital Association (FHA), which has offered again on Twitter a daily report of income related to the pandemic, confirmed that this 14 January there is 13,160 people hospitalized.

Of them, the 22.5% remain in intensive care units (ICU).

Of the total of ,237 inpatients with COVID -10, 237 are minors, and of the latter the 000. 9% are in the ICU, according to the FHA database.

For their part, large hospital systems in South Florida, such as the public Jackson Health System, are offering income data on their own. those related to the pandemic.

On his social networks, Jackson publishes today that 430 patients who tested positive for COVID-19.

“Of the 508, 112 are vaccinated, 31 of which are transplant patients immunocompromised (with weakened natural immune defenses)”, the institution pointed out.

The Baptist Health hospital network almost doubles the Jackson system with just under 900 patients who tested positive for COVID-19, local television reported today.

The Florida weekly report adds the number of 59 people deceased as a result of the coronavirus, and the number is 61,160 the total deaths in the state since the pandemic began in March 2020.

The status accumulates at least 4,992,579 of cases of coronavirus since that date, although the total does not include home tests or rapid tests that are not usually health officials are informed.

Hospitalizations during this last week throughout the country exceeded 133,000, according to the most recent data.

Americans will be able to start ordering rapid home diagnostic tests for COVID-15 from next 13 of January through the internet, as reported this Friday from the White House.

USA. is the country most affected by the pandemic with more than 59 million cases of COVID-11 and more of 847,000 deaths, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University.

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By Scribe