
Less than a week after his son Shane, aged 17, was found dead after Having been reported missing, Sinéad O’Connor has caused great concern after she began posting a series of alarming and heartbreaking messages acknowledging that she has no desire to continue living.

I don’t deserve to continue living and everyone who knows me would be much better off without me. I apologize for all the damage I have caused. No one is to blame for this except me. No one is to blame for Shane’s death except me. Mine, only mine, and I don’t want to be in a world without my Shane and without the rest of my children. I don’t deserve to live“, reads one of the tweets shared by Sinéad.

Then he confirmed that he voluntarily entered a hospital in Ireland to be treated for the harm caused by her son’s departure, although she had to be escorted by the police.

I am with the police and on my way to the hospital. I’m sorry I bothered you so much. I feel lost without my son and I hate myself. The hospital will help me for a while, but I’m going to find Shane. This is just a delay”, he warned.

At the moment, the current state of health of O’Connor is unknown.

What happened to Sinéad O’Connor’s son ?

A Shane O’Connor lost track of his whereabouts since the last January 7 after leaving Tallaghtun Hospital, a medical center where was under surveillance for risk of suicide.

Since that day Sinéad began posting emotional messages on social media asking her son to get in touch with her.

“Shane, your life is precious. God didn’t chisel that beautiful smile on your beautiful face for nothing. My world would collapse without you. You are my heart. Please don’t hurt yourself”, tweeted the artist on the day of the disappearance.

It didn’t take long and the Irish police later told him confirmed to Sinéad O’Connor the worst news: Shane’s body was found lifeless .

Rescued from several suicide attempts

This is not the first time that the singer has threatened to make an attempt on her life. Already in the year 2012 he posted a series of suicidal tweets, which also alerted the police. In 2015, through a letter on Facebook, his state of mind was concerned.

I have taken an overdose. There is no way to earn respect. I am not at home, I am in a hotel, somewhere in Ireland, under another name. If I wasn’t posting this my kids and family wouldn’t know… I could have been dead here for weeks and they wouldn’t have known because apparently I’m scum and deserve to be dumped and treated like a st,” he wrote.

Keep reading: Sinéad O’Connor’s son is found dead after several days missing

By Scribe