
Corey Johnson, aged 21, was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Jovanni Sierra, of 13 years, during a sleepover organized by the victim’s best friend, Dane Banecroft, a reason that has led to the medium Wesh 2 to start a conversation with the mother of the minor who was stabbed to death.

“I look at his photos a lot and I only see how big his smile was. Jovanni was so sweet and beautiful. He was always hugging and smiling”, that was how Karen Sierra Vélez remembered her son.

Almost four years after the Jovanni’s departure from Florida, her mother still wonders what happened that night, if she woke up screaming or if she died in her sleep; the police have only been able to tell the family that the boy was killed at the hands of Corey Johnson who could not contain his rage after the jokes that were made that night about his new Muslim faith.

Records indicate that Johnson carried out the attacks when everyone had gone to sleep and began with Sierra whom he stabbed and slit her throat. The noise of the attack led Mrs. Elaine Simon, mother of the boy who organized the sleepover, to see what was going on, when she entered the room she was immediately attacked by the then teenager from 16 years old, who took refuge in a closet until the police arrived.

Despite the pain that invades her son’s death, the mother of Hispanic origin was surprised to point out that over the years forgave Corey Johnson for what he did.

I believe that forgiveness makes you free. I don’t want to hold a grudge. I don’t want to be resentful for the rest of my life”, said Sierra Vélez who, despite showing her kinder side, also admitted that she will never forget what they did to her son: “Almighty God knows how strong this pain is in my heart right now, but I know that Jovanni is watching over me from above. He is taking care of his family and friends from up there”.

The young man was deprived of his liberty and although in November he was found guilty of the death of Jovanni Sierra, it was for this week that after four hours of deliberation, the young man of 21 years received a life sentence.

“I took the life of an innocent child of 13 years. Actually, I’m really sorry, especially when you had been so kind and generous to me,” Corey Johnson said as he took the stand.

By Scribe