
A hostage situation was reported this Saturday in Texas at a synagogue near Dallas, prompting the intervention of a SWAT team and the FBI, the Texas Police Department reported. Colleyville.

Colleyville authorities wrote on Twitter that the SWAT team is conducting operations around the block 611 of Pleasant Run Rd, adding that all area residents have been evacuated following the incident.

Congregation Beth Israel made a live broadcast via Facebook about three hours before the first reports, but since then, the broadcast has been disabled, Fox News noted.

However, before the transmission was deactivated, a man could be heard saying in repeatedly that I was going to “die”.

I’m going to die at the end of this, okay? You are listening? I’m going to die, okay? So don’t cry for me“, it was possible to hear in the final moments of the broadcast.

During the live broadcast, a man could be heard, whose face was not shown, holding a discussion about “liberating” people who were inside the Jewish temple, added Fox News.

The synagogue where the hostage situation was reported describes itself as a Reformed Jewish congregation, intimate, vibrant and growing, with much to offer in terms of religious, social and educational opportunities for younger and older members.

This situation has caused the United States ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides , will inform through his Twitter account that he is closely following the reports about the hostages in Congregation Beth Israel, and added that he prays for an immediate end safe and secure.

It was also learned that a White House official is closely monitoring the situation. The Texas Department of Public Health is also supporting the authorities in the tense situation, reported CNN.

By Scribe