
It is true that work schedules and task scheduling may sound exactly the opposite of a personal care routine, but would you believe me if I confess that it is one of the ways in which I have learned to pamper myself in the last few years?
For a long time I also got lost in the organization of my own daily objectives, I was swamped with tasks and tried to keep an agenda, but every week I gave up trying.
Of course, it was to be expected that this behavior would lead me to maintain myself in a state of constant stress, of bad humor, because I simply could never achieve an organizational structure.
Research in neuropsychology explains that actions that are constantly repeated over time , they become habits, and that’s what I experienced when I found a way to organize myself weekly.
How did I do it? To start with, I started taking a specific day and time in the week to organize the pending tasks for the next few days. In this way, I learned to configure my mind to enter a relaxed state of mind, which allows me to relax.
Because it tends to be much more leisurely in activities, I usually leave my weekly schedule for Sunday afternoons , in which I reserve a space of 15 or 20 minutes to set an intention along with all the tasks that I must complete in the next 5 or 6 days.
I am even flexible with the time I do it. The important thing for me is to do it on Sunday, because it is the day in which I have already structured myself mentally. It is a task that I practice without even thinking about it.
As I pointed out before, while I am setting the guidelines and appointments to be fulfilled soon, I like to set an intention to work on the next few days. For example, the pace of work may be higher, and therefore; I write in my agenda that my intention is to stay calm.
Setting an emotion while writing my weekly goals helps me connect with that state every time I review my agenda, so it is a key aspect in the consolidation of such a habit.
Working on your agenda weekly allows you to have a general picture of the scenario, and thus reduce work stress. I hope it helps you in this new year that is just beginning.
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Facebook: Ismael Cala

By Scribe