
A Mexican died after being detained by US immigration authorities after crossing the border irregularly in California, the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP) reported this Saturday.

event occurred last day 12, when a Border Patrol surveillance camera operator observed nine suspected undocumented immigrants crossing into the United States States in an industrial area near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, which borders Tijuana (Mexico).

Several agents from this body went to the area and detained a Mexican citizen from 38 years, which was transferred to its facilities at the international crossing for processing and subsequent deportation.

“After arriving at the port of entry, the undocumented alien became ill and was ultimately unresponsive,” CBP said in a statement. statement in which it does not detail the possible causes of death.

Agents called emergency medical services, who performed CPR on him, but to no avail, and San Diego County Emergency Medical Services staff stated that the man had Deceased.

This incident is being investigated by the San Diego Police Department and reviewed by the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office and CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

In accordance with established procedures, the incident will also be reviewed by the United States Attorney’s Office.

The southeastern border of the US has been experiencing a large influx of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers for months, many of them Mexicans.

Last November, the last month of official figures are known, more than 173,000 foreigners were “found ” by migratory agents, of which More than 63,000 were Mexican. In November of 2020, the total number of people intercepted was 42,643.

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By Scribe