
A city in Thailand is being terrorized by groups of wild monkeys that desperately fight for sugary drinks and bananas, even rival gangs fight for food, even climbing humans and cars .

Although the city of Lopburi, some 90 miles north of Bangkok, for years had been benefited from the attraction of world tourism for its population of monkeys, after the pandemic it saw a considerable increase in the number of primates, which have enjoyed much greater access to snacks and drinks full of sugar, after tourists began to return after relaxing restrictions by COVID-19.

The above has caused thousands of sugar-fed monkeys to invade the streets, violently competing for food and territory.

The locals say that even there is a gang the rivals that mark their territory, which results in confrontations when the animals meet.

In images taken during the week, you see primates wandering the streets, jumping on cars, climbing on humans and even stealing their food and belongings. While the locals give them plastic tubes filled with sugar and syrup.

Their complete lack of fear of humans reflects extremely bold behavior , as they can be seen climbing the windshields of moving vehicles and jumping on passers-by on the street.

Narongporn Daudduem, an environmental official, said that the department has a long-term plan to build a sanctuary in another part of the city, but it is likely that the The plans meet resistance from some of the residents who do not want the primates to live near them.

The government’s efforts to control the population of wild monkeys in recent years have not been sufficient, because although only in 2020 undertook a sterilization campaign, the macaques continue to reproduce rapidly.

Supakarn Kaewchot, a government veterinarian, said : “The monkeys are so used to being fed by tourists and the city does not give them space to fend for themselves.”

“After the tourists left, they have been more aggressive, fighting humans for food to survive. They are invading buildings and forcing locals to flee their homes.

In March 2020, with the global lockdown due to pandemic, monkeys engaged in a staggering mass fight for scraps of food, with tourism suddenly dropping, and consequently less food, macaques became violent and erratic.

To avoid heavy fighting, the locals started to feed them fast food, but this only gave the monkeys more energy and made them reproduce even faster.

Entire blocks of the city were quickly out of reach of humans when the primates took control and violently defended their territory . During the coronavirus lockdowns, the macaques began to enter abandoned buildings and ruins to take refuge and start reproducing.

However, over time the monkeys became more daring and began to invade public and private places, such as shops, restaurants, cinemas and schools, sometimes with hordes of creatures invading the premises.

Despite the chaos they have caused in recent times, there are some locals who, although they must take measures to keep primates away from their homes and businesses, enjoy their company and cannot imagine their day to day life without seeing them frolicking in the streets.

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By Scribe