
Thanks to an ongoing investigation into Saturday’s hostage-taking incident at a synagogue in Texas, British authorities have revealed that two teenagers have been arrested.

According to In a statement from the Greater Manchester Police, the young people, whose identity is not known, remain in custody to be questioned about their close relationship with the kidnapper.

Meanwhile, ABC News gave knowing that the adolescents are the children of Malik Faisal Akram, who, according to his relatives, had mental problems, which is why he deprived a group of people of a synagogue.

During the takeover of the place, Malik Faisal Akram stated that he had planted a couple of bombs in the synagogue, his hostages were the rabbi and three other people; both managed to escape around 21 hours after Cytron-Walker threw a chair at Akram.

“The exit wasn’t far away. I told them to go away. I threw a chair at the gunman and headed for the door. And the three of us were able to get out without even firing a shot,” Cytron-Walker told AP.

The FBI has disclosed that Malik Faisal Akram is a British citizen of 44 years old and was shot to death by his team after a ruthless negotiation where the kidnapper asked for the release of a woman classified as a terrorist of 86 years who is serving a sentence for terrorism in the United States.

Assistant Police Chief Dominic Scally of Greater Manchester Police said in a statement on Sunday that counter-terrorism officers are assisting their American counterparts in the investigation

By Scribe