A malpractice of the Covid PCR test keeps Claudia Serran, an Argentine citizen, on the verge of death, who was badly swabbed and as a consequence lost the cartilage of her nose.
According to the nurse by profession, in August 2021 she went to a private clinic to undergo a routine Covid test as part of the protocols that her job requires in order to help people in care. intensive.
In an interview with the newspaper El Caletense, Claudia Serran recalled that fateful day: “They called me to take a service from a lady who was about to die and her children couldn’t find any more the cares. I took the job with a colleague who had the swab done in a hospital, mine was done in a private laboratory and the lady’s daughter paid for it”.
The test did not come out like her expected it, on the contrary, she was so damaged after the practice that she had to visit her doctor, who, shocked, informed her that she had to undergo an urgent operation to rebuild the cartilage of her nose.
“It started to itch, to bother me. They gave me the negative. As the days passed, the discomfort persisted, but the doctor told me that it was normal. (However) a kind of gelatinous blood came out constantly and my face was gushing out”, she said.
Although the doctor informed Claudia Serran that the symptoms were normal, she did not feel anything well: “My nose area had turned red, so I decided to go to the hospital. He had approximately 2 inches dilation in his nostril”.
After several studies it was found that for a time he had a very high level of white blood cells with chronic anemia, in addition all his veins had burst: “In four months my cartilage melted away. I am allergic to penicillin and I no longer received antibiotics, one day my arms hurt a lot, the second time (I was) hospitalized”.
Claudia Serran’s ordeal is not over yet, because say of the health worker: “The doctor told me that, if I continue like this, the infection can reach the brain and I can die.”