
Crime in New York City is perceived as a “very serious problem” by most voters in the metropolis, a 74%, according to a survey by the American University of Quinnipiac in Connecticut, which ensures that this is the first time that this percentage has been recorded in the 23 years that they have surveyed the population on this issue.

The university points out that it must go back to January 1999 to find the second highest rate of security concern. That year, the 39 % of voters considered crime a serious problem.

In fact, in the list of most urgent issues that would need to be addressed in New York, insecurity ranks first with a 46%, followed by the affordable housing with a %, wandering, 9%, covid-19, with 8% and inflation, 5%.

Unsafety 14 %
Affordable Housing 14%
Wandering 9%
Covid- 8%
Inflation 5%
*with information from Quinnipiac

Including, a 65% is concerned about the possibility of eventually being the victim of a crime, compared to 33% that is not.

According to University polling analyst Mary Snow, the recent death of two police officers who responded to an emergency call added to “multiple high-profile violent crimes, the demand and urgency in New York City are clear: reducing crime is the number one problem”.

Insecurity in the subway New York

One of the issues specifically addressed by the survey was the feeling of security in the city’s subway network , where there have recently been attacks, even fatal, that have had a great media and political echo.

The investigation reveals that only the 39% of respondents feel safe traveling on the NYC subway, compared to 40% that claims not to feel safe, a percentage that skyrockets at night when a 62 % state that they feel insecure in this environment transportation.

However, when assessing their neighborhoods, the 78% say they feel safe ro or very safe in them, in front of the % who maintain that they are not safe.

There is optimism by the arrival of Eric Adams

Among other aspects, the Quinnipiac survey also asked the subjects of its study about their assessment of the city’s new mayor, Democrat Eric Adams, who owes much of his electoral success to the effort he put into security during his campaign.

The majority of Democratic voters, a 74% and of those who declare themselves independent, one 60% feel optimistic about the new city councilman, compared to just a 46 % of Republican voters who look favorably on him.

Likewise, the 58% are confident that the new mayor will put an end to the growing armed violence, in the face of a 39% that you don’t think you’re capable of.

Among your security policies, a 70% of voters approve of health professionals working with the police ia to address cases involving people with metal problems, a 69% agree with the increase in the number of officers on the streets and other 69% welcomes the revival of the criticized plainclothes police force in the areas with the highest crime rates in the city.

Also reads:
“No neighborhood is safe” in New York 2022: crime is skyrocketing in almost all NYPD stations
· Video shows beating of a man in Harlem, who was left lying on the street and hit by a car· Armed robberies become “serious crimes” in New York


By Scribe