
Chiquis Rivera has just released her third book, “Invincible”, a literary work where she talks about her private life, which is already causing concern among her followers and even some media characters such as Maribel Guardia, Well, he did not hesitate to express his total disagreement with Jenni Rivera’s daughter.

“I would never have written a book about my life, not even telling anyone’s life, I, but each one his life”

Maribel Guardia

“Because I don’t think so, because I think that , when it comes to telling your story, it’s your version, but the other person will have their version, I say that’s how I am, but I understand that people want to tell their life, also you still have to wait to tell your life, not to the 30”, he said during a meeting with the press.

And it is that Janney Marín, Chiquis’s real name, narrates everything that has lived so far, both good and bad experiences, such as the alleged ordeal that he lived in his marriage He had a great time with Lorenzo Méndez, whose stories he includes about drugs, alcoholism, betrayal and mistreatment.

About this, Maribel thought that when you love someone you do everything possible to change any type of behavior, but first, he or she must show that she wants to change her life.

“People can be rehabilitated, but you have to take care of them, maybe if he had entered, he would commit to change, and it is a commitment, well, I maybe I would think about getting married, why not, if I love him so much. Yes, but first that he enters a rehabilitation clinic, that he is interested, that he is aware that he has a problem, and then yes, because people all deserve opportunities in life”, he explained.

Despite the fact that Maribel has only been romantically related to Joan Sebastian and her current husband Marco Chacón, the artist confessed that she had already lived raw having a partner addicted to alcohol.

“Yes, many years ago, with a couple who had problems with alcohol , but when you’re very young you don’t realize it, and the same person may not be aware that they have problems”, he commented.

When Chiquis announced the launch of her book, she received criticism like he always wants to take advantage of the situations he lives, like his book “Forgiveness” published in 2015, which was very successful in sales.

But, apparently, now she is living such different moments that make her realize the hell she was in, and it is helping her a lot to be able to get it all out in this book.

By Scribe