
Attention to the inhabitants of San Diego, California, as well as Phoenix, Arizona, and who are believers or whose parents baptized them by the Catholic Church, since it has been reported that some will have to to repeat said sacrament if it was originally received from a priest who made a serious mistake during the ceremonies.

It turns out that the Bishop of Phoenix, Thomas Olmsted, issued a letter to apologize and announce the resignation of a priest named Andrés Arango, after having discovered that he improperly celebrated the baptismal ceremonies entrusted to him.

Arango, who for 2 decades was rendering his religious services in Brazil, he carried out baptisms that have been described as “invalid” by his superiors, after consulting the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, due to the formula that he executed.

It turns out that in the he baptisms that this priest led, always said the following: “We baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”, instead of “I baptize”.

“The problem with the use of ‘we’ is that it is not the community that baptizes a person, but it is Christ, and only He is the one who presides over all the sacraments, so it is Christ Jesus who baptizes,” he explained. Bishop Olmsted.

Priest apologizes for his mistake at baptisms

After making himself known the situation, Father Arango also issued a statement in which he claimed to “deeply” regret what happened due to this serious omission that he carried out during his years of service, assuring that he never did it with intent or to harm someone.

“With the help of the Holy Spirit I will dedicate my energy and full-time ministry to help remedy this and heal those affected. To do this, I resigned from my position as pastor of the parish of San Gregorio as of February 1, ”, said the priest.

Due to the situation, the Diocese of Phoenix requested that those who were baptized by the cleric must contact the institution to retake the sacrament.

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By Scribe