
A woman who was arrested in Texas for stealing a package from her neighbor told the police that she had taken the wrapping to prevent it from being stolen.

The events occurred last Monday at night, when Debra Judkins, aged 59, took her neighbor’s package, which contained a flat-screen television that the victim’s boyfriend sent as a gift.

Later, the defendant admitted to the authorities that she took the television to sell it, according to an affidavit.

On Monday night, a resident of the block 1500 of Wichita Falls N. 9 called police and said a next-door neighbor had run away with a FedEx package left near her front door and that she had a recording of the theft. The woman explained that it was her boyfriend’s HDTV.

The victim confronted Judkins, who initially denied having taken the package, but soon changed his statement when the woman told him that had a video of the moment of the robbery, there the defendant admitted to having taken it and indicated that she had already sold it, but later left to bring it back.

The authorities said that Judkins returned to the house while they were still there and when he got out of his car he told the victim that he had no reason to call the police because he was going to return the TV.

When asked by an officer why he took it, the officer said he didn’t want anyone to steal it.

The police didn’t believe his incredible excuse, and after a Upon further questioning, Judkins admitted to stealing the television in order to earn some extra money, after his hours at his job were reduced.

Judkins has a long history of problems with the law, because she has been arrested 89 times in the last 35 years. His first encounter with the law was in 1987.

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By Scribe