
Tom Holland has already started the promotional tour for his long-awaited film ‘Uncharted’, based on the popular video game saga of the same name and co-starring Mark Wahlberg and Antonio Banderas. In fact, the British interpreter has visited Madrid this week to participate in a massive event linked to the premiere and has had the veteran artist from Malaga as his best host.

The also boyfriend of the no less popular Zendaya, with whom he has worked on the latest ‘Spider-Man’ trilogy, has wanted to have a gesture of admiration and even adoration with Banderas on social networks, where he has published an image that portrays him looking spellbound at his partner cast with the Royal Palace of Madrid in the background. “A sincere photo of me looking at Antonio Banderas”, the former dancer has written in perfect Spanish.

In another of the promotional videos that have emerged from the premiere of ‘Uncharted’ in Spain, Tom refers to all the jokes and ridicule he has received as a result of that interview in which, after assuring that he understood and spoke Cervantes’ language fluently, he later went blank and got confused when trying to answer a question in that idiom. “Clearly I didn’t understand Spanish at the time, but now I’m going to translate this small passage into Spanish to show you that I’m fluent in Spanish,” he says in English, yes, and before successfully completing the task.

Be that as it may, Tom and Antonio displayed great chemistry during their meeting in Madrid, starring in amusing anecdotes in which the legendary Spanish actor did not hesitate to perform at times as his young friend’s interpreter. In one of the interviews he has given to promote the film, recorded at the Royal Theater in Madrid, Tom Holland has revealed that he had expressly asked to act “face to face” with Banderas, who acts as a villain in the story, in order to fulfill one of their great professional dreams.

“Antonio is a legend in this business, I wanted to work face to face with him and there is a specific scene that we have together in the film that I am very proud of”, said the likeable actor, who plays a slightly younger version of the Nathan Drake that appears in the video games created by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation consoles.

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By Scribe