
These last few years have not been easy due to the problems caused to the physical and emotional health of humans. Statistics on depression, divorces, losses, unresolved duels —and a sad etcetera— confirm it.

As if that were not enough, living is becoming impossible. I had to move and I spoke on my networks about how difficult it is now to pay rent, since they have risen 60% in recent months, along with food, cars and , in general, everything. I thought it was only in Miami. How naive! A million people have seen my post. In the comments, there are people writing from all over the world, telling the same thing in their cities or countries.

Seeing the journalist Oscar Haza deal with the subject, I did lose hope. The guest of his “expert” assured the following: “The houses are not going to go down, we have to work more and look for money.” He also assured that in Miami there are people who have bought millionaire houses “in cash”. He insisted that “you have to earn more, life will not go down.” And I thought: what do those millionaires who had millions in cash “work” on? Surely they do not work more than me every day.

Usually, experts who deal with statistics and numbers are emotionally illiterate. I wanted to get on television and say, “Do you know what the word hope means? Have you read that it is the first thing people lose when they suffer from deep depression and suicidal ideation? Emotional illiterate sir, they have lost hope. They feel trapped and with no way out, in a dark tunnel. They don’t see anything good in the end and you are reinforcing it”.

The world needs hope, to be able to dream that one day this damn virus will end, which has only taught us how terrible it is to be alone in a hospital, perhaps in intubated intensive care, without being able to say goodbye to beings loved ones, anemic in love and faced with the terror of dying without seeing them again.

Our immune system cannot help us get out of this chaos, because for this we need to understand, once and for all, that human beings cannot survive without hope. Neither without emotional support, much less without contact with loved ones, without significant relationships.

I think that not only the man on television is emotionally illiterate. I know, because I have fought for more than 40 years against this society made up of millions of emotional illiterates, that the psychological, human relations and education for life, few take into account.

Most earthlings would just like to have millions of dollars in cash, regardless of their origin, to “live well”. And what happens to others is none of their business. Faced with so much injustice and ignorance, I can only repeat what my admired Mafalda says: “Stop the world, I want to get off.”

60http: //www.NancyAlvarez.com

By Scribe