
Raúl González one day looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself: “I’m tired of myself”… That day he discovered that he no longer wanted to be won over by the past, what he had lived through, the self-sabotage, that the food it could no longer be his refuge, and he had proven that there was no lipo or Tummy Tuck that would work for him if he didn’t change.

Thus began a new path, together with those who know him best: his family , his sister Milizta, his mother Estrella and his brother-in-law Biaggio, and began to dream of what, two years later, is the venture that saved his life: ‘Súmale a Tu Vida’ and the ‘Formula RG’.

What are they? Exclusively, before he tells it himself, he reveals it here, below:

-What is ‘Fórmula RG’?

Raúl González: Look ‘Súmale a Tú Vida’ was born as a platform, a community in which, through pillars such as : Think positive, motivation, advice on good nutrition, exercises, a capsule called The RG Formula… I invite all those people, and I tell them the secret that they asked me so much for a long time so that I could win the battle against overweight…

For a long time I was struggling with being overweight, I was on a roller coaster of sizes, trainers, plans, doctors, pills, operations, which took me precisely to that fight like being overweight. I got tired of my excuses, it sounds harsh, but I got tired of myself, I got tired of Raúl victimized in his past, I got tired of that roller coaster, and one day I said: “Enough is enough, because you have 50 years, enough, we were not born to pay bills and die, I think we were born to live a life and enjoy it, accepting our past, accepting who we are, accepting the life we ​​have”. And from there trying to go to the next level, from there ‘Súmale a Tú Vida’ was born.

– ‘Súmale a Tu Vida’ was born from a ‘click’ in yours and from there it derives in Formula RG, but how do you come to materialize it?

Raúl González: This capsule was born with the intention of 3 fundamental points, it is something that we created as a team: there is my sister Militza, my brother Biaggio Correale, there is the director of operations and vice president Carlos Scoffio, and Dr. Daniel Valero, who is an expert doctor in anti-aging medicine and nutrition. The intention was to create in a single capsule, which for me is the important thing about all this, it is made here in this country, with ergogenic ingredients, that give you energy and burn body fat, and that in addition to that, gives you all that motivation, it gives you all that desire to have an extraordinary day, from there that formula was created.

These capsules in which you take 2 in the morning with a meal, and 2 in the afternoon, they are a fundamental pillar with 5 more things, which has to do with hydration, with movement, with healthy nutrition, with positive thinking, with evolving, and with growing.

-It is the first time that it has been sustained over time and for so long, your change, when do you start taking your Formula RG?

Raúl González: About 6 months ago, when we started testing with Dr. Daniel Valero and the laboratories to look for, what was it? what was it?, what did I need?… I think that the important thing of all is to understand that this It is based on my life testimony. There are 1000 ways to do things, I I tried them all, some worked perfectly for me, others didn’t, but I’m talking about myself, about being able to wake up at 4 today: 15 in the morning and jogging and walking and running and committing myself, and honoring my word, throwing away excuses, fuck the fears, the ties. We are very connected to our past and with our past, we cannot fight, the past is there, how do we see the past in a different way to stop being anchored there?… It is advice that I give to people, from my heart, undress in front of the mirror, and look into your eyes and ask yourself: “Do you like what you see? Do you like what you see in your eyes? How long are you going to hold others responsible for what happens to you? … Assume responsibility for your life, you screwed up, you did things you shouldn’t, some consciously, some unconsciously”… We are born and we are a sponge that absorbs behaviors and patterns and things from others, and we grow, like this and the more we grow, our fears, our complexes grow, and no, you have to accept yourself, you have to love yourself and take action, you can always go to the next level.

-A few days ago you interviewed Ana Patricia Gámez, you tried on her girdle, you said that you used it once when you had a lipo, and there is a myth that you had a bariatric operation, is it true?

Raúl González: Thank you for your question, I didn’t have a lipo, I had 2, I I did a Tummy Tuck when I lost weight in it 899, and when I lost weight it was because I had a billroth operation to put an end to gastritis and a strong acidity that I had, that there was no longer a pill with which and help me, because of the mistreatment I had given my body, and at the same time it was going to help me lose weight.

And I did lose a lot of weight, but I invite the people who they write and tell me: “what are you going to talk about if you had surgery”, “I know where you had surgery”… I also know where I had surgery, I went to have surgery. We are in the 2022, social networks do not lie, I want to talk with the truth, see my photos of the 2018, of the 2019, I lost those 3 operations, the Tummy Tuck and the 2 liposuction, why? Because everything works, but in the end you have to change yourself… I gained weight again and even more, today the sacrifice, my diet, my dedication, my commitment, I no longer believe in mediocrity with myself, with my formula, with my life, I have shown that I can achieve it, that I could achieve it, and whoever really wants it can achieve it.

-Raúl, what has changed so that today, far from those operations, and everything from the past, have you been healthy for two years?

Raúl González: Many things, it is a process of self-covering, I have books everywhere, they are books to understand why I self-sabotage myself so much with food, what is in me? Or what was in me and in my way of thinking?… It was when I understood that change is internal, there are many motivators, many writers, many people who talk about motivational talk… What I learned is to understand why what?, when you have it clear you are going to fight and do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Raúl González
Raúl González. Photo: Enrique Tubio

Me I did not want to continue living as I was living, my life was not a disastrous or miserable life, but it was not the life that I wanted to live and I asked myself, “Raúl, why are you going to fight? you can not do anything? Or are you going to fight for a present so that the future is much better?”… And this is not straw, this is not nonsense, this is something that I have experienced in my life. The death of my father also marked me a lot, I saw myself one day and said, “Wow Raúl, the responsibility you have now is very great, with your mother, with yourself, with your sister, with your future, what is going to happen now? ?”…

He attacked me again in fear and insecurity. I called COVID the virus of loneliness, and it was a lesson for me because it didn’t take away my hunger, I went into a crisis and I wanted to eat up the whole world, and there I still said: “You see Raúl, that’s still there latent, so it is something that has to be worked on”… Today I am here to honor myself, to take care of myself, I already know what I do not have to do so as not to fall back into a harmful circle, because in the end they are behaviors and patterns that are harmful, that’s the lesson and that’s where I think it really is, when I clicked.

-You speak of fear, what is that fear that you are proud to have overcome or at least mastered?

Raúl González: Fear of rejection is one of the greatest fears that every human being can experience in their life, because of how you think, because of how you are, because of how you look, because of how they look at you, because what others think, when in the end for me, with all due respect, there is no truth, and in the end everyone he has to live happily and in peace with her. Work has always, in addition to passion, been an escape, catharsis, the path to salvation at some point. Today I see myself in front of the mirror and while I shave, and I have smaller sizes in my clothes, and I see brands that come to tell me: “Raúl, we want you to wear our clothes”… What have I done? Undress myself, without being afraid and from my heart to say what is true and invite people not to waste any more time, that we cannot live what others think, this is an invitation based on what I was able to overcome, I want to make that clear.

Raúl GonzálezRaúl González
Raúl González. Photo: Enrique Tubio

– When you were able to overcome, dominate and grow and make that click and find this formula, what did you feel?

Raúl González: An immense peace, I feel happy, I feel that I am the owner of my life… I came back to my life in my own way, I am the owner of my life, of my decisions and of what I want to do, I am responsible for what I do, what I say, and I believe a lot in God, but God cannot do that work for me, that part of the work corresponds to me… God said: “Help yourself and I will help you”, no one is going to save you, there is an army of angels that helps you, that loves you, that supports you but here the one who saves you is you , if you are the problem, you are also the solution, and that is what I want to tell people in ‘Súmale a Tú Vida’ through social networks, through the website, I am committed to continue sharing my life, my experience, my advice with the intention that hopefully, people join, the community and whoever wants to join is welcome.

-Why did this formula make you put not only your body, but also your credibility involved.

Raúl González: Because it was what really seemed more like me, because when I sat down with my sister, with my brother-in-law and when we sat down with Mr. Carlos Scoffio, we talked about it , I said: “I want to do something about which I feel calm, I feel responsible, I feel clear about what it is”… It is my responsibility, it is my face, it is in my image, it is my testimony.

-With this new adventure, there is also a new responsibility because the mission has expanded and people are going to expect much more from you. What is this responsibility like for you?

Raúl González : Very big, but I love it. I have notebooks, books, this Saturday we are recording 3 months of content of everything that goes, of the advice and I tell them in the morning, motivating them motivated me, so I have a very big responsibility, but as I feel and I know that I beat being overweight, I am here so that together, as a community, we can do it.

– What do you say to these people who were waiting for you to reveal your RG Formula?

Raúl González: That I am doing it with truth, that I am doing it with honesty, that I am assuming everything that I have to assume, that they ask what they want, that I am committed to making this a great success In all aspects, hopefully this Add to Your Life as a platform, this RG Formula has a positive impact in all these areas: nutrition, exercises, thinking positive, I think that in the end that is the intention and hopefully it will achieve.



•Raúl González confirmed that he had COVID-16: “A dark moment for me”

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By Scribe