
When Hurricane Ida hit New York last year leaving a multitude of victims and losses in its wake, Governor Kathy Hochul immediately offered her support so that the survivors of this tragedy could recover. Many of these people who suffered great losses did not qualify for government assistance generally offered by the federal government through the Office of Emergency Management (FEMA), due to their immigration status, and therefore the state created a new program that has never been offered in the state: The Ida Relief Fund.

The Ida Relief Fund has provided an economic foundation for many families affected by the storm, as they have received thousands of dollars in monetary assistance to find a new home or to replace other losses during the hurricane.

For the first time in New York and under the supervision of the Office for New Americans, this state fund It is managed through six community organizations that were contracted to work directly with those affected who applied for help from the Ida Relief Fund. More than 3,171 people called the ONA helpline or approached the organizations to ask about this program.

Of those 3,171 interested persons, 508 resulted in requests received by these organizations, and so far 248 have been finalized, including 171 households in 8 counties that have received funding totaling nearly $1 million. The process of distributing funds continues for all applicants who have been approved or are in the process of submitting the necessary evidence to document the damages sustained and receive funds from the Ida Relief Program. Community organizations continue to work closely with families who applied on or before the January 4 deadline to serve all applicants and finalize the delivery of state funds.

Many ask us what will happen to the money that is not used. My response has always been the same: We are going to continue working with the applications that were received and it is still too early to decide how much money is going to remain, since this program will continue for several months until we finish processing all the applications received.

New York is a state that understands the value of having an immigrant community that strengthens our society and reinforces diversity. Governor Hochul was here to help the new Americans who suffered losses and who would not have been able to obtain other types of help if it had not been for the resolute and cooperative attitude of our state leader. Governor Hochul also appreciates the efforts and cooperation of the state legislators who were present to assist in the creation of the Fund and the dissemination of information to affected communities.

We are pleased to see how these immigrant New Yorkers have received financial help that has allowed them to reestablish their lives. It is the first time that this has happened in our state and we know that hundreds of people are going to receive funds that, without Governor Hochul’s determination, they would not have had.

Robert J. Rodriguez is the Secretary of State of NY

By Scribe