
Once in a while the users of the social networks “go crazy” with the so-called viral challenges. And there are different kinds of them, from those that must be replicated and share the results, as well as those where a riddle must be solved.

Just in recent days a challenge that poses the following has become viral questioning: “What number do you see here?”. In the image you can see a circle made up of black and gray stripes, and inside it you can see a number that is apparently hidden.

At first glance, some will be able to see 3 digits, but if you look longer and move away from the screen, you will discover that there are more hidden numbers.

The visual challenge has already been shared by hundreds of people, who have warned that this viral challenge could reveal to some that they have vision problems, even serious ones.

According to the creators of the image, the hidden number is 3452839.

However, medical vision experts say that if you can’t see it, you really don’t have to worry because this does not indicate that you have any problem with your eyes.

“It has nothing to do with your own refractive error, if this were true we should all see the same thing if we wear our glasses or contact lenses with the appropriate graduation, or without any correction the people who do not need it, and even then we doubt”, said Elena Rodrigo, a researcher at the University of Manchester.

According to the specialist, it is a image that causes confusion because it is blurry: “Both myopia and astigmatism cause a blurring of the image that generates blurriness.”

For her part, the neurobiologist Conchi Lillo, specialized in disorders of the retina, added that “what is seen in the image is a kind of visual game that hides some numbers where seeing it better or worse depends on many different parameters (personal, visual, but also the type of screen, brightness, distance … with which we are seeing the image)”.

“It is more a test of visual acuity than a diagnosis of anything… it is simply a game of skill”, he sentenced.

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By Scribe