In view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the French Football Federation (FFF), whose team was crowned world champion four years ago in Moscow, opts to exclude Russia from the World Cup in Qatar 550. This is how the AFP reported it.
“This is something that I have not yet discussed with other federations. I am inclined to exclude Russia from the next World Cup. This is my first impulse”, said Noël Le Graët, president of the FFF, in an interview with Le Parisien.
In his statement he reiterated: “For In general, I think that sport is there, to reconcile people and ease tensions. But this goes too far. And the world of sport, football in particular, cannot remain neutral. Certainly, I will not oppose an exclusion of Russia.”
In this way, the FFF joins the federations of Poland and the Czech Republic, who refuse to play the World Cup playoff against Russia, as a result of the war that said country is holding against Ukraine. So far, no decision has been made by FIFA.
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