
Maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is essential for a healthy person, but for someone with diabetes it can even be a matter of life or death. Glucose or blood sugar is an indicator of our general state of health and a parameter that should be measured regularly. Nutritionist Courtney D’Angelo pointed out what may be the best supplement to control it.

Many factors can cause glucose levels to rise in the blood, such as an unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity habitual or the consumption of highly processed foods as part of the daily diet. In addition to taking measures in these aspects to lead a healthier lifestyle, there are some supplements that can help improve blood sugar levels and should be consulted with your family doctor.

However, Courtney D’Angleo, a registered nutritionist and author of the book Go Wellness, told Eat This, Not That! what would be the type of supplement useful to reduce this level, particularly in diabetic or pre-diabetic people who need to control it with greater reason.

For D’Angelo, supplements containing fiber are a good way to consume the amount recommended daily; the American Diabetes Association (ADA) specifies that they should be about 25 to 35 grams of fiber. In turn, a good fiber intake can help improve glucose control.

The specialist explained that when fiber passes through the digestive system, the body behaves differently when you consume carbohydrates, so it is more difficult to experience sugar rushes.

“As a dietitian, I firmly believe in getting the amount of fiber you need in your diet by eating the right foods; however, if you have difficulty incorporating certain foods into your daily diet, then a fiber supplement should help you meet the recommended amount you need each day,” D’Angelo told the publication.

The most natural way to include fiber in your diet is to eat more whole and slightly processed foods, as well as fruits such as bananas and apples, beans, nuts and seeds. Another advantage of consuming this type of food is that you will benefit from its content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients, but if you decide to consume a supplement, consult your doctor first.

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By Scribe