
One of the issues that always causes discussion within the family is that if someone is expecting a baby, what will be the name that it will bear; a decision in which not only the future parents intervene, but also uncles, grandparents, among others.

There are times when the grandparents want to preserve a certain tradition or lineage and it is they who end up deciding the name of her grandson, without taking into account the opinion of who will be the parents of that little boy or girl, which is why there may even be family breakups.

That was what happened to a woman who is expecting a baby and who discovered a terrible “betrayal” committed by her husband.

A pregnant woman was furious when she realized that her husband and mother-in-law had chosen a baby name for their unborn child.

A young 28 years old took to Reddit for advice on the awkward situation, which left many stunned.

She wrote: “I spent most of it of my childhood and adolescence with my grandparents. I was very close to my grandmother and was devastated when she passed away in 2016 from lung cancer. We live near my grandfather and visit him every day. It means a lot to my grandfather that we name our daughter Anne.”

This situation ensures that he knew her husband; however, a few days ago they went to their mother-in-law’s house for dinner, who informed them that she had already chosen the name that her granddaughter would bear.

“When we sit down to dinner, my mother-in-law turns to me and says, ‘Your husband and I talked last week and he told me you were going to change his (baby’s) name to be like mine. I could feel my anxiety level rising and I said ‘no’. We are still planning to name her Anne… ”

“ My mother-in-law makes a face and says: ‘well, it seems that your husband does not agree with her name’. I finished eating and told my husband that we were leaving”, concluded the pregnant woman.

The woman added that when they got into the car, her husband tried to apologize and she told him that she was very upset with him for not talking about it with her but she was even more upset with his mother-in-law because she insists that they choose her name for her daughter.

“The mother-in-law sent me some text messages about my behavior that night and hopes that I change my mind”, she added.

The woman ended up asking if she was acting reasonably when she wanted to choose the name of her baby, to which several users agreed with her and sent her words of encouragement in the face of the situation. There were even those who advised him that when the girl is born, read the birth certificate very well so that he does not get a bad surprise.

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By Scribe