
In Mexico there is a saying as old as it is misogynist that says: “my daughter’s children are my grandchildren; the children of my son to know whose they are ”, and nothing better to exemplify the harmful attitude of this grandmother before the birth of her first grandchild. A woman used Reddit to express her anger because her mother-in-law ignores her pregnancy since she is not her daughter, and takes the opportunity to put pressure on the woman who is her daughter to have a baby soon.

When the couple broke the news, “the first thing my mother-in-law said was not congratulations. It was: ‘Is my daughter pregnant? Is she going to surprise her soon?’ And he has proceeded to not ask about my pregnancy at all (and if it comes up, he dismisses any symptoms I have) and tells his daughter how she can’t wait for her to have a baby,” the woman wrote in her post.

Of course, her mother-in-law’s attitude contrasts with that of her family, who have expressed their happiness, their good wishes and who constantly ask her how she feels. Meanwhile, the mother-in-law has dared to suggest to the future mother that she talk to her sister-in-law to find out when she will have a baby because “I can’t wait any longer for my grandson,” she said.

She also asked him to agree with her to host a future baby shower. “She (sister-in-law) is not even pregnant! Am I stupid in this situation? I feel like I’m expecting too much from this woman, but a little human decency while raising a human related to her would be nice,” the woman wrote. “She makes me sick. My husband and I have been considering the idea of ​​not allowing him to meet our baby once she is born, “she concluded.

The reactions on Reddit were immediate, especially in support of the woman. “Don’t expect anything from that woman. I avoid my mother-in-law like the plague. I try not to spend time with her when she comes for a week. It’s exhausting and she doesn’t respect boundaries,” one user wrote. “Enjoy the little life you are bringing into the world. Don’t blink, because time passes faster than you think with children growing up. And let karma take care of this. Trust me, I have a perfect track record in handling things like this,” another user advised. “Don’t let her get you down. If she’s not interested, leave her alone. Focus on the people in your lives who want to support you and are really excited and focus on each other. This is a very special moment for you and your husband. Enjoy the process of preparing your bundle of joy”, noted a third.

Read more:

+ “My parents did a DNA test on my baby because they mistrusted my wife”

+ Gay woman who abandoned her her autistic children and her husband to start a new life in the US, she regrets nothing

+ “She’s autistic, stupid!” The insult of a boy of years to an old woman for defending his brother

+ “I regret having had 3 children. I can’t do anything important with my life”

By Scribe