
The Biden Administration expects that some 170,000 immigrants will arrive in the United States from the border with Mexico when the norm known as Title 42 is ended.

The norm that the government of former President Donald Trump began made it easier access to undocumented immigrants under the argument that their entry aggravated the health emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the media outlet Axios, given the expectation of a massive arrival, the government of President Joe Biden ordered the creation of a Southwest Border Coordination Center (SBCC), which will operate from the headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Washington. The space will be directed by Matthew Hudak, Border Patrol (CBP) officer.

The policy to expeditiously expel foreigners has been applied more than 1.7 million times since its launch.

The pressure to end the rule has increased from activists as well as Democratic leaders

The federal government plans to discuss the issue with Mexico as early as April, the reports anticipate.

The Axios report specifies that the federal authorities estimate that at least some 25, migrants wait in shelters in the border country for the end of the Title 42.

“Of course the Administration is doing what is due to prepare for possible changes on the border,” White House spokesman Vedant Patel told the aforementioned outlet.

Despite criticism, including from Democrats, the Administration has continued i Imposing the policy to return single adults and some migrant families.

Recently, a federal court decision prohibited the use of Title 42 to expel migrant families to countries where they are persecuted or tortured. A week ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ended the measure regarding unaccompanied migrant children.

The Biden Administration no longer applied this rule to minors, but a judicial resolution almost forced the Administration to resort to it again if it was not modified.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the authorities for continue to use the Title 42 even when the measures to battle against COVID-19 were being lifted around the world country to the reduction in infections.

By Scribe