
Although more than two decades have passed since the death of her father, in recent months Eiza González had to bring back the memory of that moment again and again, because something very similar happens in her most recent project .

In an interview for Ventaneando, the actress confessed that it was not easy at all to recreate in her mind the moment in which she found out that Don Carlos lost his life in a car accident; however, he assured that “Ambulance” taught him a great lesson.

“I totally revived it and not just that. Many people do not know that my mother is a doctor, so these are things that at the end of the day become a great influence in the process of growth and creation. Yes, I can tell you that it was not easy, but now more than ever I applaud and respect the work of the health personnel”, said Eiza.

Furthermore, the young woman revealed that shortly before starting to film the tape He decided to go to training with real paramedics and put into practice everything they do in accidents, because he wanted his character to be as realistic as possible.

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By Scribe