
Evelyn Beltrán does not hesitate to show off her romantic relationship with Toni Costa. The Mexican published a new video in which she is in the company of the Spanish dancer and dedicated a very nice message to him that shows the world her happiness.

“How nice it is to have you in my life @toni”, Beltrán wrote next to the video on his Instagram account, where he recently celebrated reaching 150.000 followers with a message of thanks to all those people.

So far this is a new demonstration that the relationship with Toni Costa, Adamari López’s ex, is going great, he has 3,116 I like you.

The video It was recorded by Costa and when pointing the camera at Beltrán’s face, she covers her face with her cell phone, but then he subtly removes the phone with his hand and Beltrán’s smiling face appears before the camera.

When publishing this video, the Mexican added as audio the song “How beautiful” by Grecia Vallejo, who sings: “How nice it is to feel that you are here with me”.

“My precious”, Costa replied in the comments and the words were accompanied by red hearts. This comment from the dancer and choreographer has gotten 200 likes so far.

Days after the sentimental relationship between the two was confirmed, they made a publication on the Univision Instagram account about it and many of the comments that were seen there were from people who want Costa to be happy with his new partner.

“How beautiful she is, I hope it works, he deserves it, he looks like a super polite guy, hard-working, fighter and respectful”, “Congratulations Toni, look for your happiness, very beautiful if she is your girlfriend”, “Toni has every right to be happy. Apparently he was not with the ex ”,“ Young and very beautiful, he deserves to be happy and it shows that he is a good guy ”and“ Let them enjoy it and live their lives ”commented netizens.

So far, Evelyn Beltrán has only shared two posts with Toni Costa on her Instagram feed. The first was the moment when she received the surprise from the Spaniard at her birthday celebration

By Scribe