
Alyssa Farah Griffinn, who once served as director of strategic communications for the White House and assistant to then Vice President Mike Pence, was encouraged to talk about what she really thinks of former president Donald Trump.

In The View, Griffinn was against Donald Trump seeking the post of president of the United States again.

“As someone who unfortunately worked for Donald Trump, I don’t want that man to be president ever again”, Griffinn said.

“I want to see credible Republicans representing the party I was once proud of. Put Larry Hogan (Governor of Maryland) on stage against him (Donald Trump) Larry Hogan may not win this year, but he is a shining example of what it is to be a truly credible Republican,” Alyssa explained.

Farah Griffinn also blamed Donald Trump for the January 6 Capitol riot and said that a month after the events he publicly asked Trump to resign from the presidency.

Alyssa , who resigned from office after the 2020 elections and who recognized Joe Biden as president, is one of the politicians who has cooperated the most with the investigation of the House of Representatives into the riots in favor of of Donald Trump in his attempt to annul the elections.

Alyssa Farah Griffinn joins the dozens of people who have come out to speak publicly about the bad taste in their mouths that having worked alongside of Donald Trump and surely it will not be the last to speak ill of him.

By Scribe