
Heineken is renowned for its decades of brewing innovation and is now undergoing a high-tech transformation to take on the world of the metaverse, thus announcing Heineken Silver.

Heineken said in a statement that it has always been passionate about natural ingredients, and in the metaverse it couldn’t be any different, so it’s dealing with “the best ingredients 100% generated by computer”.

“Our special A yeast, normally made in tanks horizontal, has been replaced by A-Pixels. Forget field-harvested hops, virtual Heineken Silver is brewed with binary-coded hops grown by NPC (non-player character) farmers,” Heineken noted.

The virtual beer was unveiled at an event product launch event at Heineken’s virtual brewery, where guests were able to learn how beer is made in seconds, while rubbing elbows with Heineken® ambassadors, including former French footballer and coach Thierry Henry.

Heineken Silver

Bram Westenbrink, Global Head Heineken Brand, commented: “At Heineken, we believe that connecting with people is vital to human existence, like the air we breathe or the water we drink, and we know that the metaverse unites people in a joyful and immersive way that It’s really exciting, but it’s not the best place to try a new beer. Our new virtual beer, Heineken Silver, is a tongue-in-cheek joke. It is a self-aware idea that mocks us and many other brands that are jumping into the metaverse with products that are best enjoyed in the real world.”

To develop the concept of the virtual Heineken Silver, the The brewing company turned to street artist J. Demsky, who commented, “I was excited to be involved in this fun and unique launch that brings the brand and virtual Heineken Silver to life in a truly unique way… when you combine all the pixels and technology, it fits together. perfectly with who I am and the art I like to create, so I hope people like my interpretation of what virtual Heineken Silver could be like if it had a flavor.”

Lastly, the Global Head Heineken Brand, noted: “For now, you can’t taste pixels and bytes. So we want to make a joke about it and remind everyone that nothing beats the taste of a refreshing beer, including our new virtual Heineken Silver, in the real world.”

To see the virtual home inspired by J. Demsky for Heineken Silver, click here.

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By Scribe