
In the messages that Pete Davidson sent to Kanye West asking him to stop airing his differences in public, the ‘Saturday Night Live’ comedian warned him that he was not only hurting his ex-wife Kim Kardashian a lot, but that he was also doing irreparable damage to his own artistic legacy.

“I’m not going to let you treat us like this and I’m tired of being silent. Your actions are shameful. It is very sad to see you ruin your legacy, ”read one of the texts where Davidson also asked Ye to meet to talk about his problems“ man to man ”.

However, Kanye continued to attack Kim on Instagram and targeted people like Trevor Noah after the Daily Show host addressed his controversial divorce with the mother of his children.

He also dedicated himself to attacking some media dedicated to entertainment that, in the opinion of West, tried to discredit him for the statements he shared on said social network, which later chose to suspend him for a full day for his hate speech, intimidation and harassment.

However, the bad news for the rapper, 44 years old, they don’t stop there, because now they are facing a boycott.

Through the platform Change.org more than five A thousand people have signed a petition that tries to stop their participation in the Coachella festival, one of the obligatory musical events of the Californian spring.

His fans finally got fed up and asked the event organizers to remove him as one of the headliners for the attacks he has made in recent weeks against Kim and Pete.

“We have watched Kanye harass, manipulate and hurt Kim, Pete and others for over a year. No one seems to want to confront him, and he shoots those who do,” the petition reads, which continues: “He has threatened others with actual physical harm. It’s ridiculous that he is allowed to do this freely. Coachella (along with other brands still working with him) should be ashamed and stop giving him a platform. Please sign and share!”

It is not known what Kanye thinks about it, however, he had even threatened to cancel his long-awaited participation in the festival.

Coachella is one of the best known music festivals in the world, for the impressive concerts that are mounted and the special art installations. For this and more, this festival is one of the most visited each year and in 2022 it will return to Indio, California, after two years of cancellation due to the pandemic.

By Scribe