
Laura Bozzo spent three months missing while fleeing from Mexican justice after being sentenced to preventive detention for tax evasion related to the sale of a property that had been previously seized by the tax administration.

During that time, the Peruvian presenter kept in touch with her fans through Instagram, but never revealed or gave clues about where she was.

The rumors, based on some supposed photographs of her that came to light in September, claimed that Laura had taken refuge in Acapulco, where she owns several mansions, but she insists that this is not true.

Instead, Bozzo hid in one of the most poor and humble of the State of Mexico: “I’m not going to tell you the place or anything, but it was a very poor place. You can’t imagine, but those are the people who protected me”, she assured in an interview with the program ‘Gossip No Like’.

Laura also denies that Interpol issued a search and arrest warrant in against him, and maintains that it was all a “smokescreen” to hide the fact that they were actually trying to impose an “exemplary sentence” on him for his fame.

“The Prosecutor said it, that cases like mine, since I was public, an exemplary sanction had to be given. In other words, totally absurd because never, in the law, there is no arrest warrant for a case like mine, I have never hidden from the law, or anything, I show my face, do you understand me? Then the lawyers told me, ‘this is something that smells bad, do you understand me? It smells like a smoke screen, a scandal,’” he said.

Since September 2021 a federal judge ordered the arrest of Laura Bozzo in a process initiated in which she was accused of selling a property seized by the SAT and with which she had guaranteed a tax debt of more than $650,000 Dollars.

By Scribe