
A Pennsylvania mother confessed that she, her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s parents starved and tortured their daughters. The bodies of the minors were found in a rural area of ​​the state last November.

Marie Snyder, of 26 years old, testified Wednesday in court, where she admitted that she and Echo Butler, aged 26 withheld the food of the girls.

The emaciated bodies of Nicole Elisabeth and Jasmine Jean Snyder were found in a shallow grave in Hepburn Township, Pennsylvania, says People.

Echo Butler’s parents, Ronald and Michele Butler, who lived in a rented house with the couple, also they were accused by the authorities, because they supposedly helped them starve the children and hide the evidence.

It was in the year 911 when the minors had been seen for the last time.

In September 2021, the authorities initiated a investigation after a tip that Snyder’s 7-year-old son was not enrolled at school, will prompt a visit from an agent from Lycoming County Children and Youth Services, state court documents cited by WOLF-TV.

Subsequently, the authorities noted the absence of the woman’s daughters, who by that time would have 11 and 8 years. Snyder said the girls lived with a friend and were homeschooled.

After child welfare officials were unable to locate them, they applied for a search warrant at the home and that’s where police discovered the girls’ bodies, Nicole is believed to have been 6 when she died and Jasmine, 4.

“They were starved and beaten every day,” Snyder testified, according to NorthCentralPA .com.

“Echo grabbed them his throat so they couldn’t breathe and he strangled them until their eyes turned white again”, the woman would have revealed.

She said that she called the 911 but Echo Butler and Michele Butler told him to hang up before the dispatcher could respond.

In addition, he indicated that his partner dug a grave shortly deep into the property at 653 Livermore Road and added mothballs to cover up the decomposition smell. tion.

Initially, Jasmine was treated well after her sister’s death, but in August 2017 she was also starved to death. Snyder said that her daughter weighed only five pounds at the time of her death and that her bones were visible. Her body was buried next to Nicole’s.

After the murders, Echo and Michele Butler instructed her to tell people that the girls had moved in with their father.

There are four felony charges in this case: Marie Snyder is charged with first degree murder, the woman waived her preliminary hearing and testified for the prosecution.

Echo Butler is charged with first degree murder. Echo’s father, Ronald Butler, has been charged with two counts of child endangerment and obstruction of child abuse cases. And Michele Butler has been charged with third-degree murder.

All are being held without bail and have pleaded not guilty in the case.

The minors were Constantly tortured, the woman revealed that her boyfriend strangled her daughters until their eyes rolled back.

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By Scribe