
A new interaction between Alicia Machado and Jorge Aravena through Instagram caused them to be told again that they would be a very good couple.

The former Miss Universe and winner of the first season of La Casa de los Famosos, a reality show in which he coincided with Jorge Aravena, published a photograph prior to his appearance on La Mesa Caliente, the new Telemundo program.

In the image he is seen wearing an elegant and nice white suit and this photograph was accompanied by this message: “Surprise! Good things are just beginning @telemundo”.

Before publication of the Venezuelan, Jorge Aravena manifested himself in the comments area: “very bieeeeeen Machadoooooo!!!! Hey, I’m still waiting for you to tell me the dream! Hehehe… Kisses!” the Peruvian wrote. To which Machado replied: “friend, it will be in person, come to the Miamis”.

This exchange of messages between these personalities caused one of Machado’s followers to write to them: “you would make a beautiful couple”.

This is not the first time that fans say that Machado and Aravena should be a couple. On previous occasions, users of social networks have told them that they would like to see them together in a sentimental relationship.

A few weeks ago, Telemundo posted on its Instagram account and asked people to comment on it. what would be the questions that they would ask Alicia Machado. One of them stood out and it was precisely for involving Aravena: “Could something more than friendship exist between Jorge Aravena and you?” wrote one of Telemundo’s followers in that publication.

Some of the other questions also involved the sentimental life of the Venezuelan or the popular gastric sleeve, the operation that helps to lose weight and that has come to ensure that Machado did it:

“What was your diet?, with many details”, “What project do you have with Telemundo?, “Why did you have love affairs with Roberto Romano?”, “Did you do your sleeve?”, “Would you go back to the house of celebrities?”, “What would you say to your past self?”, “Have you already forgiven Cristina and Pablo?”.

By Scribe