
For some time now, it has been established that the Friday before the so-called spring equinox is World Sleep Day, which is precisely being commemorated on this day, Friday 18 March 2022.

World Sleep Day was created at the initiative of a group of providers and community members related to the area of ​​research and sleep medicine, with the intention of preventing and managing all disorders related to sleep, as well as the benefits for health and personal well-being that good sleep leaves.

Each year, this day is promoted by the World Association for Sleep Medicine (WASM), together with other organizations related to this topic, not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

The purpose of World Sleep Day is precisely to raise awareness and treat the causes and symptoms of lack of sleep, a pr problem that if not treated in time can cause serious health problems.

Precisely for this 2022, the motto is “Quality sleep, healthy mind, happy world”, as it aims to highlight the importance of sleep quality, as well as its benefits for maintaining adequate mental health and improving concentration. Similarly, it attempts to highlight how fatigue from not sleeping well can cause physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.

Sleeping well improves quality of life

Several studies conducted on the subject of sleep indicate that the quality of life improves considerably if we dedicate enough time to sleep and thus have quality sleep.

However, due to daily activities and the dizzying pace of life that we lead today, most people do not manage to rest for the number of hours required for restful sleep.

Lack of sleep results in irreparable damage to people’s health and quality of life, affecting a high percentage of the population worldwide. Below we mention the main types of sleep disorders:

Sleep Apnea: abnormal breathing patterns during the sleep stage, interrupting deep sleep.
Insomnia: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

By Scribe