
A good friend has always had trouble flying because she fears her flight will be involved in a terrible accident. After a variety of psychological therapies, alternative therapies and even hypnosis, she can now board short flights, but this tip revealed by a pilot about which is the best seat on a plane if you are afraid of flying, will always be useful to her. If this is also your case, perhaps these tips for surviving a plane crash will leave you calmer.

The fear of flying is one of the most common among passengers and perhaps one of those attended by attendants flight more frequently. The matter worsens if the plane encounters turbulence on its route, or an unforeseen event such as having to make an emergency landing for some technical reason.

The truth is that those who best know the structure of an airplane, its movements and its operation are the pilots. Pilot Patricio Smith told Reader’s Digest that even though people are afraid of turbulence, it’s almost impossible for one of them to cause a plane crash. “We avoid turbulence not because we’re afraid of the wing falling off, but because it’s annoying,” he explained.

Pilots know that some routes are more prone to turbulence and that these can project objects and even people against the ceiling, so it is best to follow the instructions of the cabin and the flight attendants.

According to Smith, if you are afraid of flying, the best seat for you is in the middle of the aircraft, since the movement of an airplane is like that of a seesaw in which the rear is the busiest. The back of an airplane is also the hottest.

Another recommendation is to always choose morning flights, when the air is more stable and the weather is cooler. In the afternoon, due to warming and air activity, the air is more agitated and it is more likely to experience turbulence or a thunderstorm.

In the same way, following the safety measures suggested during the flight is essential to avoid incidents, since these are not idle recommendations but prevention rules during the trip.

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By Scribe