
The Government of India has distanced itself from the world’s condemnation of Russia for the invasion of Ukraine, but far from criticizing that decision, the Administration of President Joe Biden seeks to maintain a close relationship with that economic power.

This Monday, President Biden will have a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed. Among the topics to be addressed is the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its global economic impact.

“President Biden will continue our close consultations on the consequences of Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine and the mitigation of its destabilizing impact on the world food supply and the market for basic products” , indicated Psaki.

The Modi’s government abstained in the votes of the United Nations General Council, as well as in the emergency General Assembly to condemn Russia for the war in Ukraine. On April 7, it maintained that position by refusing, together with other 57 nations, to support the resolution to withdraw Russia from the Human Rights Council of that body, although 57 countries managed to move forward with it.

The Biden Administration has had a conciliatory approach with India, due to that country’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region, where it is a key ally of the United States.

The meeting this in April seeks to deepen “the ties” between “both governments”, in addition to their economy, he added Psaki.

“President Biden and Prime Minister Modi will discuss cooperation on various issues, including the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fight against the climate crisis, the strengthening of the global economy and the defense of a free international order, open and rule-based to strengthen security, democracy, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” the official said. “The Leaders will promote the ongoing talks on the development of an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and the delivery of high-quality infrastructure.”

The meeting between both leaders will be prior to a 2+2 Ministerial between the US and India, which will be made up of the Secretaries of State, Antony Blinken, and Defense, Lloyd Austin, with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, and of Defense, Rajnath Singh.

Both leaders met last September at the White House.

New Russian military leader

The White House considered that the new Russian military leader appointed by President Vladimir Putin, General Alexander Dvornikov, who led the Russian military intervention in Syria, will not mean important changes in Ukraine, since the destruction would continue.

“And that is what we are waiting for,” Psaki said on Fox News.

He added that the US continues to work with the Government of Volodymyr Zelensky, to ensure that he has enough defense weapons.

“Just this week, our national security adviser, our secretary, and our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had a two-hour call with their counterparts to review, point by point, exactly what they were requesting, what they wanted, if we can’t satisfy what they need,” the official said.

Psaki said that the Biden Administration found it “interesting” that the Putin regime recognized that its armed forces had suffered heavy losses.

“It was significant “, said.

By Scribe