
On 30 March 2022 Demi Moore, ex-wife of actor Bruce Willis , through his Instagram account, made known the delicate health situation that the American is going through, a fact that led him to make the decision to move away from the movie screens, because this condition is affecting the cognitive system of people, that is, it deteriorates the capacity for knowledge.

In some cases, it could cause them to become more complex when writing, speaking and understanding oral language. Some symptoms are: saying incomplete sentences, writing incoherently, not understanding what other people are saying, mentioning words that may not exist, among others.

There are several types of this disease, there is the integral, global and also expressive aphasia. For this reason, it is advisable to see a specialist when you feel difficulty reading, speaking, memorizing things or have comprehension problems.

On this occasion, we will mention some well-known people from the world of entertainment who, like Willis, have been diagnosed with said health condition, those are:

Bruce Willis

The family of the renowned actor and producer, Bruce Willis, announced that the American of 67 years he had to retire and it was through the Instagram post that they released the statement, where his children also offered him support for the unfortunate and difficult situation he is going through.

Emilia Clarke

The actress, Emilia Clarke, recognized for having worked on ‘Game of Thrones’, had to have been taken emergency to a health center after finishing with the aforementioned series and it is that he had a hemorrhage subarachnoid ia. This was the result of a brain aneurysm.

Shortly after having been in intensive care, she was cured and stopped suffering from this terrible disease.

Sharon Stone

The American actress and model of 64 years old, Sharon Stone, In the year 2001 she had a heart attack that caused a brain hemorrhage that made her stay in intensive care for a few days and that was what caused her to have consequences for speaking and couldn’t walk. It was in the 2003 when she regained her abilities.

Terry Jones

The British actor and producer, Terry Jones, was diagnosed with progressive aphasia in the year 2016, as a consequence he could not speak normally and caused him to lose his memory. He passed away at his 77 year as a result of the condition he struggled with for a while.

Sergio Pitol

The Mexican narrator, essayist and producer, Sergio Pitol, was also diagnosed with the disease that consumed him until causing death. death on 12 April 2018.

By Scribe