
Natalie Rivera’s career as a chef began without her planning, and as a result of a congenital problem that occurred when she was already an adult.
“In college I they diagnosed a digestive disorder,” he said. “Basically, when I eat, my body can’t digest; that sometimes is caused by stress, and I can’t eat anything because it’s very painful.”
The chef spent a lot of time researching cooking recipes that would help her with her condition because it was not possible for the doctors to they will cure While this was going on, she was hired by the fitness magazine Self as an intern.
“That’s where my obsession grew; I started researching how to make a career out of this,” she said.
Now, Rivera is a natural food chef, educator, and outdoor market manager. He taught in culinary labs for the non-profit organization Wellness in the Schools, and taught nutrition classes in New York public schools under the Sport and Arts in Schools Foundation, with the idea of ​​promoting it among low-income students in the Bronx. and Harlem the importance of proper nutrition. She specializes in healthy, organic and vegetable food. As an independent contractor, he offers advice to schools on menu design.
His other passion is Cuban cuisine, where he traveled to learn recipes and other food secrets from that country.
“My mother is Cuban and my father is Colombian,” he said. “For me it was important to go to Cuba to study the culture ; I wrote a proposed book on Cuban food.”
Getting to where he is has been a difficult road for Rivera, especially since the field in which he works is dominated by men. But also because he requires other skills, in addition to culinary ones.
“If you are not an entrepreneur, it is not a career for you,” he said. “You always have to have a plan B for this race, especially if you don’t know anyone at the beginning. If you don’t have the stamina it is very difficult, but in the end you have the reward. I am very lucky to do what I do; it was a bad situation at the time but now the result was something good”.
He recently launched his website http://www.nutritiousandtasty.com, and created a healthy food delivery and organization service. private dinners.

By Scribe