
A cloud of mystery fueled social media conspiracy theories near Lazy Mountain, Alaska, last Thursday.

A meteorite, a Russian missile, a plane crash and a UFO , were some of the explanations for a strange portion of cloud with traces in the form of fingers.

However, a rescue team sent to look for a possible accident in Lazy Mountain did not find anything suspicious, according to unveiled Alaska State Troopers.

“I’m not sure what, but it looked great,” wrote Heather Isackson on Facebook.

A weird cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain ignited a social media storm.A weird cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain ignited a social media storm.A weird cloud formation over Alaska's Lazy Mountain ignited a social media storm.
Facebook images capture a finger-shaped cloud forming over Alaska’s Lazy Mountain. (Photo: Facebook/Elisabeth Griesmer Ahlv)

“An investigation Additional information revealed that a large commercial aircraft was flying in that area at the time the photos and video were taken. The aircraft was contacted and reported normal flight operations en route to JFK Airport in New York,” Alaska State Troopers wrote on Facebook.

“Soldiers believe the photos and videos showed a contrail from the commercial airliner combined with the rising sun which together caused the unique atmospheric sight. We greatly appreciate the many Alaskans who reported the suspicious sight this morning to law enforcement.”

Also read:
· The day a meteorite pierced the roof of a house in Canada and fell into a woman’s bed
US Intelligence Report cannot explain origin of 144 flying objects (UFOs)
· A small asteroid impacted the Earth’s atmosphere on 11 of March; NASA discovered it two hours before its collision

By Scribe