The famous slap at the Oscars has been much commented on. It has shown the ignorance of justice and of the famous “criminal lawyers”, who repeat the same nonsense in the media like parrots.

The US should ask itself why we are one of the most violent countries in the world , why we have more weapons than people and, even worse, why the Academy that awards the Oscars should analyze itself before talking about violence.

If we go to the “origins” of violence, the The biggest culprits are those who fill the movie screens, where those who sit in the front row can die from the number of bullets. Nothing to say about the famous video games. These are the “schools” where children learn that killing is the way to resolve their differences.

Studies indicate that a seven-year-old boy has observed so much violence that he sees “normal” assaulting or killing another. This explains the killings that happen too often in schools. Nobody analyzes what happened, they don’t know that violence is learned and is more harmful than a movie with sex scenes.

I miss the movies of my childhood, the series where I learned a lot of what I defend today publicly: values, messages of peace, lawsuits where the good guys win and good is always above evil. Today I have to search a lot on the platforms to see a movie that doesn’t keep me awake or give me nightmares.

Hopefully the Oscars, from now on, try to change their awards to works that contribute. I hope that Disney stops the distortion of classic children’s stories, such as “Cinderella”, “Snow White”. These allow them to manage their conflicts, for example, directing their anger at the stepmothers who represent “the bad part” of mom.

They must also learn that the worst of violence is not hitting. The one who gave the slap reacted to the abuse against his wife, whose face clearly expressed humiliation for suffering from a very painful disease for women. If she had had cancer and the baldness was due to chemotherapy, perhaps they would apologize for having allowed the “bullying” to which she was subjected. And then they want to pretend that they respect women and that they support the “me too” movement.

Ignorance eats us, especially the “lawyers” who didn’t even think about this: emotional is the worst, but, since it is not seen, nobody takes it into account. Did the Academy know that whoever caused this situation has been disrespectful in other installments, even with the “bad guy” according to US law, Michael Jackson, or with Nicole Kidman and others? Why do they keep inviting him? Was the offense in the script?

Instead of talking so much nonsense, do something, if it is still possible: stop the emotional abuse against a sick woman, do not write scripts with jokes that are they make fun of others and please control their movies full of violence. Most of society is responsible for this psychological violence and is preaching morality in underpants.

By Scribe