
Adamari López is 50 years old, she is an actress and television host, as well as the mother of little Alaïa. She is the star, on the other hand, of the world of social networks and now her reels are a sensation on Instagram.

But today, Saturday 30 in April, the Puerto Rican celebrated Children’s Day with a photograph in which she appears next to the daughter of she. And yes, she is 50 years old according to her documents, but in the picture she looks like 20. And although they are mother and daughter smiling for the photograph, the truth is that they look like sisters.

It must be explained that this 30 April, as Adamari makes clear in her publication, is Children’s Day in countries like Mexico and Colombia. “Today is #Children’s Day in Colombia and in my beautiful and beloved Mexico. From here I celebrate everyone with my beloved @alaia, doing what we like the most, enjoying time together. How many Mexican and Colombian fathers and mothers around here?” she asked at the end.

But the driver also wanted to interact with her followers, asking them to following in his Instagram message: “Leave me your flag 🇨🇴🇲🇽 and I’ll leave congratulations to your children.”

The public, in addition to celebrating her beauty and how close she is to her daughter, tell her: “Linda, you are the best example to heal after a relationship 👏 I applaud you for being brave , for loving You”.

Read more about Adamari López:
They say to Adamari López: “I think you are in your best personal moment”
Problems in Telemudo? Adamari López and Quique Usales star in a tremendous disagreement on TV

By Scribe