Selecting a location to shoot a movie is one of the most important decisions made by production companies, because it is directly related to the budget and the shooting schedule.
Some companies choose to rent a filming location, since a “perfect” natural setting or one for everyday use can enhance the authenticity of the film. But others choose to build it to have greater control of their production and not be so exposed to the weather and even simulate day and night, or other visual effects, depending on the needs of the filming.
At the moment, what are the most requested filming locations around the world? Judging by the films released and remembering that not all the scenes filmed make it past the editing room, the specialized portal Giggster has determined the locations for specific places and countries, although without specifying the period of time considered.
Thus, the famous Central Park, icon of New York, led by appearing in 352 films. Bronson Canyon follows with 180 and third place Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park with 150 , both scenarios in California.
At the country level, with no surprises, the United States ranked first and almost without competition, with 1,123 feature films. Then United Kingdom (112) , Canada (143), Spain (112) and France (95).
By making the cut within the US, again without surprises, Central Park allowed the state of New York to take the lead with 381 films. Arizona a distant second with 30. Strangely enough, California, which is home to the world’s busiest film industry, came in at number 6, with 10 productions. The full investigation is available here.