
When there is a separation and there are children involved, for the good of all the best thing will be to reach an agreement regarding the parenting method that the parents will exercise, separately, with the children, in order to have an objective in common.

However, differences will always exist and some can lead to major problems, despite the fact that in the background it is nothing serious.

This is what demonstrated a Reddit user, who recounted a serious problem she had with her ex-partner because she did not respect the agreement they had entered into regarding the type of food they would have with their daughter.

The woman, who is vegan, said that both she and her ex agreed that their daughter would also be vegan, but which It was her surprise that after spending a few days with her father, the girl arrived with her mother asking for some nuggets from McDonald’s.

“I became vegan when my ex and I moved in together because he was vegan and he did not like that there was a product s animals in the house. I was a vegan while I was pregnant and we have raised our daughter vegan for the last eight years,” the Reddit user explained.

But while driving past a McDonald’s on the way home with her daughter, the woman was surprised when she asked if they could come in for something to eat.

“She has a total meltdown and demands chicken nuggets . We get home and she’s, like her, blowing snot bubbles, she’s so mad. She howls her way through a bowl of leftover soup. She hates me, I’m a terrible mom, dad would have let her eat chicken nuggets. She wore herself out crying,” she added.

Given this, the mother indicated that she was very upset with her ex for not asking if she could give the girl chicken nuggets, especially because McDonald’s has options vegans on their menu.

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By Scribe