
For a few days there have been a series of rumors about a possible romance between actress Michelle Renaud and Osvaldo Benavides. However, it was last Sunday when she published an image where they go out together, which could be that in a certain way she is accepting that between the two there is something more than a friendship.

The photograph was posted on his personal Instagram account, where he also added: “James Murphy wanted his photo with us… After the night he gave us and how he made us dance… he deserves EVERYTHING!!! Thank you Music God! Thank you thank you thank you! Magic”.

It was in this way that both actors managed to express the emotion they felt at having had such a particular and pleasant experience. However, she did not reveal more information about what could exist between them, however the comments were immediate and the followers stated that they looked quite good together, although not all said the same.

“Michelle, we the people who love you want you to be happy with whoever you want”, “It’s your life and you don’t have the right to criticize. Before criticizing, try to put yourself in your place”, “I can’t believe they are a couple”, “Osvaldo you looked better with Esmeralda”, “I really can’t with people who have to criticize everything as if their lives were perfect, What’s wrong with them?”, were some of the expressions of those who wanted to give their perception.

Nevertheless, it was quite clear that opinions were divided, and that is why Renaud felt obliged to reply: “Job hazards, people don’t know what’s going on with their lives, but they do. what happens in mine The important thing is that I met my idol”.

Both the Mexican and the actor have tried to appear in front of everyone that they only have a friendship, which, as is true, is something that can exist between a man and a woman without having to have an affair.

Although with the passing of days there are a series of events that leave traces that this is not the case because recently the magazine TVNotas revealed that apparently they were enjoying together in the company of their children .

In addition, a person close to the actors said that they allegedly already have a relationship of more or less four months.

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By Scribe