
The singer Natalia Alexandra Gutiérrez, better known in the world of entertainment as Natti Natasha, is Raphy Pina’s current partner and less than a week after entering prison, she decided to talk about what this new episode has meant to her in his personal life.

In an exclusive interview with ‘Alofoke SinCensura’, he explained that the moment he heard that the nation’s justice system had found him guilty, he felt “horrible”, because the couple has a relationship of several years and the fruit of this love was born the little Vida Isabelle, who celebrated her first year of birth last 22 May.

“Horrible, (that day) was a nightmare, but I know who he is and I trust 100 % in Raphy Pina’s innocence. For that reason, it was horrible because it’s not the same to see it in a movie, it’s not the same to see it in a series, it’s not the same to see it on television and say: ‘Ah, you saw that they declared it’, it’s not the same see it for comment”, she said when asked about when they said that her partner is guilty.

Natalia was asked what her life would be like without Raphy by her side, based mainly on the reality they are going through at this then. However, she explained that she knows who she is standing in front of and that makes her say that she is going forward.

“I wouldn’t know how to tell you because I’ve never been through something like this, but I can tell you that we haven’t spent a day without being together”, he explained.

“I feel that now is a time to focus on the positive, to focus on work, to thank God for the good things that they are happening, because within everything we have many blessings that is Life, that is our family”, said the Dominican.

During one of the most complex moments that Pina has had to live through, the singer Daddy Yankee was there with him, since it is known that both have worked together and have a long-standing friendship. The day the sentence was handed down to him, Ramón Ayala was there and that is why Natti sent him a message.

“I am grateful because he is a man, and thanks to God I have had the opportunity to know him as a person… His heart is priceless, because he was present, he has always been present. I think that more friends is what you say, it’s family,” said Gutiérrez.

By Scribe