
Double pain was suffered by an Oregon woman of 35 years named Amber Rogers, who not only had to overcome a serious illness but also heal her heart after finding out that her boyfriend had been unfaithful to her with her best friend just when she was recovering from her health problems.

According to The Mirror newspaper, Amber was diagnosed with breast cancer, so the doctors told her that it was necessary to remove her breast in order to save her life.

The woman underwent this surgery and after a couple of days in the hospital, she returned home to recover. Her boyfriend and her best friend offered to take care of her so that she could soon get out of this rut ​​without ever imagining that there was something else between them.

Rogers indicated that as the days passed at home, she noticed that both her partner and her friend acted a bit strange and that they treated her differently than they used to. Long breaks or trips to the bathroom when they were both, and messages at strange hours secretly read and going to look for each other in order to arrive earlier added to the list of suspicions.

“The relationship before my cancer was loving, we were inseparable. I don’t think there was a time when we were left without each other. They were making lots of excuses to hang out together and then. family members discovered them in some rooms of my house in strange situations, and they simply moved away from each other”, explained the victim of the deception.

“At first I even thought I was crazy, making things up in my head due to my own insecurity. But then within 45 days, the facts started coming out while he was still living in my house,” Amber explained.

The truth came to light when one of her friends found her boyfriend and her friend sleeping together, in the bedroom next to Amber’s and even, his mother confronted them. At first, both denied that they had anything; however, everything came to light.

“Instead of making sure the house was clean or my postoperative needs were met, changing the sheets or buying my medications, they took the opportunity to spend time together and They had sex in the next room while I slept and recovered from surgery, “he added.

Now, Amber is trying not only to recover her health but also from her romantic breakup that turned out to be Quite traumatic, because not only did she lose who she thought was the love of her life, but also her best friend.

“I’m still trying to heal by writing in a journal and being very active and just doing all the healthy things, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the things he did ”, he sentenced.

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By Scribe