
The actress Verónica Castro has been the target of negative criticism recently, it is a photo that her brother published and the fact is that they both go out together, the detail of the image is that they look quite old and wrinkles predominate on their faces . José Alberto, also known in the world of entertainment as ‘El Güero’ accompanied the publication saying: “A nice meeting”.

For his part, Vero also posted it on his personal network account social Instagram, and it is that when comparing the two photos they do not look alike at all because in hers they have accused her of abusing filters to really hide her physical appearance and her real age.

After this event, many consider that her brother José Alberto left her exposed, because apparently she just wanted to wish him a nice message accompanied by good energies like her sister, and he was birthday.

“Happy birthday to my beloved brother and producer José Alberto #elgueromex”, was the caption of the aforementioned publication.

The comments were not absent and some were: “Why were the filters made? POS TO USE THEM and who criticizes is that they don’t know how to use them ”,“ With Photoshop or without it, she is a beautiful woman, so forget about criticism, my respected Vero. I see that as an envy that simply has to be eliminated”, “You look beautiful with a filter and without a filter because you are the greatest figure in Mexico”.

In the one published by José Alberto, both The gray hair they have is much more pronounced, not to mention that the size of their nose is quite large, which did not happen with the photo that their sister posted, because it is as if they had both undergone surgery.

After the infinity of comments, the mother of the singer Cristian Castro felt that she had to respond to the insistent remarks of those who did not like her photo: “Well, I even paid for my filter and I like it with a filter but if you like it without a filter you can look at my brother’s, he likes it without a filter. So they don’t get angry because he hurts “.

By Scribe