With fewer options to vote in advance, time restrictions and even prohibitions to offer voters a glass of water are some of the reforms that are being promoted in several states, which will affect the participation of Latinos.
“During the last ten years, many academics have studied the innumerable ways in which certain state electoral rules make participation in elections much more difficult for non-white citizens than for other groups”, indicates the Brennan Center. “These rules include strict laws requiring voter identification, very long lines on Election Day, and other facets of our election system.”
Ricardo Ramírez, advisor at the Brennan Center in Spanish and other justice and democracy programs, and founder of Forward Shift Strategies, explains in the podcast ‘El Diario sin Limites’ the negative impacts on democracy of laws in states such as Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky and Oklahoma.
>> How does restrictive electoral reform benefit one party over another?
>> What are the changes that most concern experts in electoral processes?
>> Who is promoting the reforms and why is the so-called “Big Lie” so worrying?
Listen to the podcast on Spotify or click click the following link.
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