New images of the explosion at a shopping mall in Kremenchuk, Ukraine, downplay Russia’s claims that the space accidentally caught fire after the anti-ship missile hit a nearby factory.
The material captured by security cameras shows the moment in which the back of the Amstor mall, in the center of the country, is hit by the AS-4 Kitchen missile, originally designed to attack US aircraft carriers.
The incident was reported this Monday around 4 pm local time.
The video emerged just hours after images from cameras in a nearby park showed the moment when a second missile hit a factory in Kredmash, located behind the shopping center. That attack destroyed four warehouses in the complex.
The images were released by the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.
The Russian defense ministry admitted being behind the attacks under the argument that the factory was being used to store Western weapons that would be transported to the Donbas area.
At least 18 people died in the onslaught, 21 remain missing and 59 were injured.