A Mexican family is torn apart by the death of Aldo Clavel, a young student who took his own life last June 17 due to the harassment, psychological violence and humiliation he received for part of one of her teachers from the Octavio Paz Lozano high school in Puebla, Mexico.
According to the victim’s mother, Claudia Martínez, on more than one occasion she met with the school authorities to report the mistreatment that their son received at school, but they did nothing about it.
However, the day the minor took his own life, the educational authority contacted the family not to offer condolences, but to request the signature of both guardians in order to release the institution from all responsibility.
“I will never be able to sleep”
After the parents refused, they were told that “what happened was not so serious.”
“I will not be able to sleep tonight, madam”, re Aldo’s mother remembers what the director of the school, José Luis Olguín, told her.
Olguín’s inappropriate comment caused the mother of the family to indicate between tears: “If he can’t sleep that day , I will never be able to sleep, because my son is no longer here”.
Aldo’s mother was no stranger to the case of the bullying her son suffered from his school teacher. mathematics and integral calculus: “She told me that they would not remove the teacher, that the one who was wrong was my son and not her. We warned them that it was dangerous for her to continue teaching. We never asked to be left without a job, only to be trained, to be given new tools so that she knew how to treat students and they did not want to”.
Aldo once recorded the teacher humiliating him in front of to his classmates and showed the audio to his mother.
“Let’s see, tell me when I asked them to stop talking to Aldo and everyone was silent, his classmates knew what did he mean, but I think that for fear of suffering from my son, nobody spoke”, declared the mother about that audio.
After several pleas, Claudia Martínez wrote an official document addressed to the school authorities in which he indicated that his son would no longer attend school due to endless problems unleashed by the harassment of his teacher and that his homework would be sent by mail until the end of the course.
The letter was sent one day before the young man decided to kill himself.